Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Desperately Seeking Other Humans

While putting together my third-year dossier the past several months, I found myself increasingly searching the blogosphere for others' stories along the tenure-track.  I guess I was searching for a healthy dose of humanness to help ground, or perhaps alleviate, some of the anxiety, insecurity, and resentment that built with each day I spent writing and revising my materials.  But what I found was really a whole lot more of the same -- academics scared to write about anything personal.  Adopting pseudonyms and writing in guarded, veiled narratives to avoid being identifiable by anyone -- for fear of retribution, how blogging might impact chances for promotion and tenure, or how their personal blog personality might impact future job chances. Or on the other extreme, outwardly hostile and critical of all aspects of academic life (I guess if that were me I'd be thinking about how to get another job).  But I did find a few, refreshing humans out there who just happen to be in academia.  And so to save you some time looking, I've included them here:

Red Lips and Academics sounds like a person I could have coffee with.  Down to Earth, and ready to tell it how it is.  I particularly like her Geek Love post which made the front page of Wordpress .

Scientopia is actually a host of different bloggers, each of which is in love with science.  So it's not all about academia, which I like, but when a post crops up it's usually pretty good.  I particularly like Dr Becca, and a post that resonates with me a lot right now as I finally feel I am getting my own research and up and going!


  1. Thanks for the shout-out! I can totally relate to seeking human connection while in academia. It's very hard to find people that you can relate to, and enjoy being around. I've added your blog to my feeder. I'll be back!

  2. Just checked in on my referrals, and noticed a new link! Glad to find you as well. It's a tricky line to toe--blogging in a way that's fulfilling and useful, without doing anything to jeopardize your career. My general approach is to keep it (mostly) light, and never say anything negative about anyone I know personally. Keep it up!
